
Galerie Bettina
2, rue Bonaparte, 75 006 Paris

01 46 33 72 98
du lundi au vendredi, 14h – 19h
samedi, 11h – 19h


Martine Bligny

The invisible collection

The world of Martigne Bligny is made up of solar energy, invisible forces and protective souls. By bringing together a collection of characters from the Italian Renaissance and other movements of painting in Europe, the artist brings back from the collective memory the founding moments of our history. Her gallery of evanescent portraits summons faces with diaphanous skin, as if the material alone, almost transparent, weaves an invisible thread between the past and today.
Beyond representation, she has been working, for forty years, to instill a vibration, a pure presence. A permanent quest for solar force and introspection.
From our history to our modern world, Martine Bligny’s painting opens a passage with multiple dimensions. It shows the invisible, what connects us and constitutes our humanity.

Trained at the School of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Art History in Toulouse, Martine Bligny lives and works in Paris.